Friday, December 25, 2009


Tomorrow John, my grandma and myself are going to see all we need to do to make McMenamin's Sandtrap work for us. Yay! I'm sure we'll go over the menu - which I kind of already have picked out, and all the things that need to happen to make the ceremony of my dreams (the part of the wedding I actually care about) a reality.

In other news, I've decided that red should be implemented a bit more. I am, after all, getting married to a half Chinese man. There aren't too many traditional Chinese things we can implement besides color and putting red envelopes for money in the reception locale because of the fact that he doesn't have a family. Hm, I wonder if Lithuanians have cool customs? So I figure I'll throw red into the bouquets, and we'll do the money drop box with double happiness symbol and red envelopes to implement a smidgen of that side of him.

My grandfather agreed to be our officiant, so that's fantastic, we just need to do the ordaining part of that. My grandma knows what kind of cake we're having - just a small one for John and I since dessert comes with the catering plan. Check check and check! We're almost back on track. Will be once we book Sandtrap officially. Yay!

... now what?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I don't really care too terribly much about the reception location. I just want my perfect ceremony on the beach and for lots of gorgeous pictures to be taken and to have music and dancing and fun times. John wants to have a coursed meal for all our friends. So we know that the event has to be catered. Beyond that... it's pretty open. We have three main options as of right now.

The Loft: PICTURES It's open and large - space for 250. Due to our date, it's going to be $500 to rent for the whole day. Catering would be extra on top of this, as would decorations. There aren't any beaches close by so ceremony would have to be set somewhere driving's distance away.

Mcmenamin's SandTrap: PICTURES Same wooden vibe as the Loft, but with McMenamin's style decorations. Location is free with a $2,000 catering minimum. We would need to provide centerpieces and any additional decorations we felt necessary. Beach is fairly close by.

Cannon Beach Community Hall: PICTURES Wooden interior, much like the other two - fireplace (not that it'll be used in July). $600 to rent for whole day. Catering and all decorations would need to be provided by us. Easy beach access.

So, which should it be?

Where to have reception?

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Bridal Party

Hurray! I now will have Brittany, Azurell, and Tiffany with me on the big day. I love each of you three girls more than I could ever express and you've each helped me grow, thrive, and love as much as possible. I cannot express how lucky I am to have you three wonderful and diverse women in my life and I cherish each and every one of you.
