Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fairy Godmothers and the like

After realizing we were never going to be able to come up with all the money needed to dress ourselves, let alone the $50 a person it's going to cost to throw the wedding, I was quite downhearted.

I talked to my grandma and she assured me that we'd make it work. We tried to get loans, but ... credit's not so great on the homeward front.

So now we have my grandma's credit card that will allow us to pay back the wedding expenses over time, instead of all up front. It's pretty fantastic!

We have the envelopes all stuffed and stamped and ready to go, we just need to drop them off at a USPS drop box because they're too big to put in the outgoing mail spot of our apartment.

I got my dress. I know, I know I already bought a dress. Then the boob thing happened, so ...yeah. As bad as it sounds I'm claiming bankruptcy so the credit card I used the dress for is *poof*. I went... a little crazy, I'll admit. I got the dress, and a pink sash for it, a veil, and a necklace. Then a slip to wear under the dress. Yeah, I spent a little too much... especially on the veil... but when it was all put together it was just so... perfect. I felt completely wonderful, and yes, a bit like a princess.

Today I get to go pick out my wedding band. Yay!

The only other things we need to do now-ish are to reserve our night of the wedding hotel, and our honeymoon once we figure out what we're doing. We also need to reserve the site if we need a permit, and figure out if John needs to change his name before the wedding or if he can do it on the wedding license.

Of course, we still need to get all the ceremony stuff squared away, and figure out just what we're doing for flowers and favors.

Thankfully, we have enough to do what we'd like... I mean, within reason of course.

It's such a wonderful feeling to not have to be pulling out my hair figuring out how on earth we're going to be able to pull off something even remotely nice.

If you're a boy renting a suit, or know of a boy who needs to rent a suit, let me know. If everyone goes in together John gets a free one out of the deal which would be super fantastically awesome. Yeah.

I feel so blessed to be able to borrow this money; while I know that I'm totally responsible for it in the eventual, right now it makes me feel like the sky is the limit.

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