Thursday, July 15, 2010


I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in so many people at one time. Everyone received their invitation months ago. I told them they needed to get the information to me no later than the 10th. Yet, somehow people still are undecided, even after giving an RSVP otherwise. It seemed that no one gave a damn enough to actually request time off, or bring up that they would need that day off or to leave early. So now, I have a shit ton of bubbles and shot glasses which I paid for that are going unused. I really would have rather not spent that money - as paying for the wedding, for everyone to eat drink and be marry... means that John and I don't get a honeymoon. I'm completely crushed. I have to have my final numbers in this afternoon, and I have no idea what they are. There are people coming that weren't invited, people not coming that said they were.

For those of you who RSVPd, made the necessary arrangements, I thank you and this is so not directed at you.

For my family - you're amazing! Thank you indefinitely for all the help, love, and support you've given me to make this whole thing happen.

I know that things change, but I guess I just assume that everyone operates the same way I do. That if there was doubt it would have been brought up immediately. I would have mentioned to any employer upon being hired that I needed to take the 22nd off, I would have put in for it off the instant the invitation was received. I know how business operate and handle requests, I know that if this was done there would have been no issue of the waiting. I also know, that if it was your wedding, I would call out if I didn't get the time off.

I guess the people that really matter will be there. The people who are true friends and made plans and are flying in from across the country, driving hours upon hours. The people that offered a helping hand and a loving thought. The people that said, why yes I will be there to join with you in the most important moment of your life. To celebrate your love and rejoice with you.

It seems trite to point out how much all of this has cost us. How we've run out of money and still have more to spend to get things right. It doesn't really matter. And it's not the point anyway. I guess it's just something people can understand easier than lack of loyalty and my crushed belief in people.

I guess that about finishes my rant. I'm pretty sad that the most important part to me (the honeymoon) isn't going to happen... but I guess we have to roll with the punches sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. It has to be frustrating when people can't seem to get things together and make arrangements - makes me feel like I should apologize for Danny not being able to come. But I did tell you as soon as I knew for sure that he wouldnt be able to come. I'm sorry that you dont get the honeymoon that you always wanted, and I really hope that you and John get to some special spend time together soon. I wish that I could give you a great honeymoon - if only I was a fairy godmother. :(

    I love you and I can't wait to be there for your special day - and I hope that you enjoy it even through all the frustration surrounding it.
