Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Adrianna Hill Grand Ballroom

Adrianna Ballroom: a fantastically wonderful little pocket in Portland that is super pretty. However, I e-mailed them for information and it also is a smidgen spendy. All we would need to do is show up with a couple dozen flowers, a cake, and ourselves, though. They do all the rest. . . We'll price out our other options, some of which look more afforable - although we haven't added food/decor into the mix just quite yet.

1 comment:

  1. oh yes. I have been thinking about this place since I looked at your link this morning, well actually about both places, but there was something about this place that was almost like a fairytale, but inside... kinda like the veiled garden is outside... so.. hmmm. anyways, love the ballroom. lol.
